Thanks to Niwel Tsumbu & Eamon Cagney who, true to what is said on the package, brought Thursdays' audience on a journey, rich and rewarding.
Thanks also to those who attended the event, and supported Arthaven by so doing.
Broaden your horizons
Evening Adult Art Courses
Painting Class
with artist
Cian O’Sullivan (8 weeks)
7.30 pm- 9.30pm, commencing Sept 26th 2007 until 14th November
Portrait Class with Portrait artist Kerry Collins (8 weeks)
7.30pm- 9.30pm, commencing Monday 1st October, 2007 until 26th November
(not including Bank holiday Monday 29th October)
Drawing on the right Side of the Brain
with artist Susanne Leutenegger (6 weeks*)
7.30pm-9.30pm, commencing Tuesday 23rd October, 2007 until 30th October