Sunday, July 02, 2006

Appreciation for "Hughie"

Our sincere thanks to the cast and crew of "Hughie" for the wonderful performance which took plalce in Arthaven Gallery on Friday last, the 30th of June. In particular, special mention must be given to Ber Power, who brought Eugene O' Neill's character, Hughie, to life and was suberbly executed, and to John Roche, whose role as the dozy night clerk was marvellous.

Once again, the gallery was transformed, this time into a vertible theatre. The encouragement, dedication and support of our audience is of course crucial to the success of any event, and this was no exception. We are most appreciative of the on-going and new support which Arthaven receives.

So keep you see peeled, and brace yourselves for an eventful Cork. Watch this space!